Monday 1 July 2013

The Owl & Pussycat

After a quite glorious week with the parents in Salcombe, Devon I arrived back in the ol' smoke to meet friend for drinks in East. Now its not that I'm behind the times (which I am), but East London is somewhere that I rarely venture to, when I do I dont really remember where I have been and am only heading to places that have been cool for years before, so please dont think this post is me trying to make your cock (or fanny) hard about a new hipster paradise.

After a few Guinness and Aperol in The Book Club we ventured anywhere. My guide knew where she was going; I did not,  but thankfully she took me to a great little place called The Owl & Pussycat. With my Glastonbury and relationship blues still trying to kick the shit out of me when we could get a seat in the garden we camped out all night.

In all honesty I don't have much memories of the place but when my Saturday morning flashbacks consist of hearing Wolf Parade - I'll Believe in Anything which is a track I used to have on repeat years ago. The drink went down far to well and had some great conversations with people borring lighters all night long.

I will return

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